This is my final year project at University
Events Information Management System (EIMS) is a web application that will allow its users to
view, add, and search for the details of events/tours/trips scheduled to be held in future and
already held in past as well. User will also be able to subscribe on the website for any latest
updates regarding the events.
Functional Requirements:
Interface Requirements:
The website interface will have the following Menu items (with submenus)
- Home
- Submit an event
o Tour event
o Conference
o Workshop
- Search
o By Date
o By Location
o By Charges
o By Number of Days
- Subscribe
- Contact Us
- The admin will be able to add event details in a structured form. The event details will
• Start date and time (Including day of the week)
• End date and time (Including day of the week)
• Venue
• Participation charges (Per person)
• Relevant Images
• Day wise details (Pick up time, First destination, Stay and then leaving for 2
destination etc)
• Services included (Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner etc)
- Admin should also be able to modify or remove any event information from the
application’s database
- Admin will have the privilege to grant or revoke subscription of any user
- Approve or reject an event added by the user
- User will be able to view all the information available on the website
- User will be able to search the information for events with different parameters
- User will be able to add an event
- User will be able to subscribe for the events and updates
Tools and Languages:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Wordpress, WAMP server, SQL and NetBeans